In recent years global finance has made remarkable progress. One of the latest and significant advances in the world of technology is Cryptocurrency. Decentralized finance, also known as DeFi, is a rapidly growing sector of the cryptocurrency industry. Defi gives you the opportunity to grow your investments using Defi's complex features like Staking & Farming However, these Decentralized finance operations are complex and require a very efficient brain to understand and perform. Many investors are frustrated in crypto when they can't get the same profit as friends, colleagues, because of your inability to understand all these DeFi requirements.
Why Polka Party?
PolkaParty aims to expand the capital barriers that are set indiscriminately for active communities. The idea that individual retail investors will no longer suffer from the drastic drop in the price of public token sales, but instead can participate in seed & private sales by having the right capital in devoting themselves to early stage projects.
The reason comes from external wallet addresses that can contractually link their respective wallets to multi-faceted party wallets, controlled by internal party members (linked wallet addresses).
Beyond the aspect of creating a unique decentralized venture capital "fund", in the nature of a DAO, there are many other related activities that parties can engage in if they get the required votes from party members.
The ultimate goal of the entire PolkaParty experience is to allow all users to be easily integrated into the entire DeFi ecosystem, without having to understand a lot of the technicalities of decentralized finance. Our belief is to create an easy-to-understand user journey, as individuals will have the opportunity to chat, research and immerse themselves in each other's side with more experienced personalities, who understand the formalities of the more profitable methods in crypto.
How Does PolkaParty Work?
Parties will consist of members, whose personal wallets are integrated into the party wallet.
Depending on the criteria set by the party, the parties will consist of voting and non-voting members.
Wallet addresses with voting power will eventually be able to provide party guidance with voting actions
HouseKeys are generated for all users creating parties (Public or Private), through which users can join parties seamlessly on the main dashboard within the PolkaParties Portal.
HouseKey is required to sign a smart contract, so your wallet will be integrated into the party wallet.
PolkaParty has built a time interval based model that allows created parties to allow Partygoers to withdraw funds within a set timeframe.
From such party's action, the user will be given a Daily, Monthly or Yearly + Withdrawal Time Sequence, to withdraw the profits back to the personal wallet.
Penalty for early withdrawal of funds before the distribution interval for party members.
PolkaParty Gifts & Gifts
After the collection of the daily distribution fee, the total amount that has been collected will be paid back to the user, up to 50% of the total daily distribution fee collected on the platform, which stakes the POLP on the platform. If the volume & number of trades increases on each side, the bonus/payment of holding the POLP will also increase.
What are Polkaparty POLP tokens?
POLP is PolkaParty's governance token and the main catalyst behind most of the platform's products and features. All protocol management decisions are made by the POLP holder: from new products to asset rebalancing, strategy and integration. POLP allows its holders to take control of their financial future.
Nama Token: POLP
Total Supply: 200,000,000
Private Sale : 500,000 (20 million Tokens)
Public Sale: 250,000 (781 NFT) (7.81 million tokens)
Private Selling: $0.025
POLP at launch: $0.032
Polaparty, where you, your friends and family can all share a wallet with customizable built-in governance. As a collective, you can all be part of the big decisions that involve what coins you want to invest in or when you feel the time is right to sell. Polkaparty also has a leaderboard system set up with weekly prizes for whichever side has the most profits based on their percentage.
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