Orijin Finance

The Leading Platform For Leveraging Blockchain And Its Functions

 Why are new crypts being released constantly? Could it be that the old token is not satisfied with something. It turns out that because there are always shortcomings in the previous one. Origin Token wants to show that its coin will be the best on the market and makes a strong argument. Sales begin in two weeks, on June 4. And anyone can buy coins cheaply. And if cryptocurrencies enter the stock exchange, then the price will rise significantly. This is a big plus, being the first to buy something new.

What is the new Origin token?

Orijin Finance is a token and cross-chain trading platform powered by Defi cross-chain. Pre-sale is about to start, have time to buy coins at the best price. Provides liquidity through Binance Chain, Ethereum, and Solana. Access leading ILO cross-chain token projects from a single platform. We take great pride in offering a best-in-class user interface (UI) that makes it easy to implement modal cross-chaining.

On what blockchain does it work?

The token runs on the Binance blockchain. Today one of the most popular blockchains for creating new tokens. This is because it is mega fast and has the lowest transaction fees. It surpasses the Ethereum Network in some ways, and may catch up with it over time. The Origin Token already has its own contract address at bscsan – 0x00089e7d29c29e9b289a02f68f0fdb45d33066f0. Follow the link and learn how many coin holders, rich list, transactions and other actions. Everything is transparent, any information is tracked on the blockchain. This is the advantage, of the banking system, where everything is hidden from the eyes of people.

We are developing a cross-chain Defi management dashboard. This is original.

  • Infinite Possibilities : Capture yield farm profits and provide liquidity on Binance Chain, Matic Ethereum, and Solana.
  • ILO LaunchPad : Access top cross-chain ILO token projects from a single platform. Access ILO projects from Matic, BSC, Ethereum and Solana.
  • Super Clean Interface: We take great pride in offering a best-in-class user interface (UI) for easy deployment across modal chains.
  • Farmer Focus: All the key tools and analytics you need to maximize yields – no more manual labor of tracking positions.

Make money at ORIJIN

Place bets and earn with Origin. Earn 5% of all transaction fees and place bets on our platform to generate income. We call it double pay! We charge a 4% transaction tax, which is then allocated to holders and members. Prizes are distributed proportionally. When traders sell Orijin tokens, we tax those transactions at a rate of 5%, which are then used to buy BNB on the market and paired with Orijin tokens to create additional liquidity, thus ensuring a stable price cap for each transaction.

Token function

ORIJIN tokens provide transparent incentives between users, token holders and teams. We have ensured that the ORIJIN coin has a strong fundamental value that will add value to investors over time. Just store ORIJIN tokens in your wallet and get betting rewards from every transaction that takes place under our smart contracts.

ORIGIN Tokenomics

Below you will learn more about the supply of ORIJIN tokens and tokens, including any locks.

  • Total Supply:   1,000,000,000,000,000
  • Burn :   70% of Total Supply burned on start -> View Burn Tx
  • Liquidity Fee :   5% – Liquidity fee is activated when selling is activated on Pancakeswap. These are then paired with BNB and added to our locked LP tokens to improve trading conditions.
  • Transaction Tax Fee :   4% – Every transaction
  • Marketing Fees :   1% – The Treasury has the wallet to support our ongoing marketing efforts as we expand Orijin Finance's operations globally.
  • Dev/Team (Locked):   1.3% will be allocated to the team, and locked for 3 months with the team…
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Token Pre-Sale Details

Below you will find important details for participating in the Orijin token pre-sale and how to participate.

  • Place:   Unicrypt
  • Date :   June 4, 2021
  • Time:   1pm UTC
  • Hard cap:   1,000 BNB
  • Soft Lid:   200 BNB
  • Key Liquidity :   256 Years (permanent)
  • Audit :   Yes Ongoing (Quill Audit)

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