Plastic Finance Project
The problem of plastic waste has become a serious problem together. Therefore, proper handling is needed so that this B3 waste can be processed and produce useful new products. Recycling is one of the most important measures available today to reduce this impact and is one of the most dynamic fields in the plastics industry today. And plastic recycling will also be an alternative that can be used to overcome environmental pollution, because recycling can reduce the amount of plastic waste in the world. repeated is an action that can not be underestimated anymore.
1 PLAS Token = 6.4 Tons of Recycled Plastic/Year.
BSC Scan
1. We promote a circular economy by improving the recycling system
Plastic Finance focuses on recycling plastic by increasing the productivity of scavengers. We do not disrupt the waste value chain; instead, we add value to the value chain to benefit all parties. In addition, we support a tree replanting program to remove carbon from CO2 pollution, further strengthening our commitment to a circular economy.
2. We empower the waste community so that they have a higher social status in society
Plastic Finance aims to empower the waste community. We focus on activities that will increase their self-esteem, which increases their productivity and well-being.
3. We democratize access to ESG investments
Our efforts to enrich the recycling system and empower the waste community can be sustained and expanded with the help of the investment community. With DApps and DeFi, we are democratizing access for everyone to take part in the global mission of recycling and empowering

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