Blockchain is a continuous sequential block chain (linked list) built according to certain rules; each subsequent block has the hash of the previous block. Ibid joins the Blockchain which has all the best features of the fourth generation blockchain with faster consensus, including very fast transaction confirmations. This allows fast transactions and feedback with maximum security.
The iBid platform contains a wide variety of products for buyers to inspect and make their best choices. To improve the efficiency of the platform, ibid create an auction application for the purchaser to be able to participate in any auction of their choice anywhere and anytime with a device that is operated by iOS or Android . The app is user friendly and allows users to explore all available and active auctions without stress. Users can also use the app to bid and monitor their bids in real time.
What is the iBid auction floor?
The IBID auction floor is an e-commerce platform (E-commerce) Singapore 4.0 will be launched in early June 2020. It will be like Ebay or Amazon, or like Shopee or Lazada in Vietnam
It aspires to create a global database of transactions and services. With almost zero transaction fees worldwide. The common currency will be the main payment currency in this ecosystem. And they aim to become a major platform in the field of decentralized applications (DApps), such as Ethereum and Cardano.
IBid auction mission
Bargain to get your favorite items at super cheap prices by bidding on the iBid platform.
Build a platform for phased real-time blockchain auctions.
iBid - Decentralized blockchain auctions will change the bidding process, to be fair and transparent as bidders can also monitor the auction process.
Direct exchange of financial value (listings, transactions and service fees) from large companies such as Airbnb, Craigslist, Postmate, ... to individual buyers and retailers.
The exchange of financial and strategic values (combining internal data about customers and transactions) from the same company to the entire ecosystem.
Create new financial value for participants who contribute to platform development (for example, building new technologies for the iBid platform and introducing new users and businesses).
Built on open databases, distribute and share data to promote transparency and collaboration.
IBid floor features
Blockchain Platform: iBid operates on a decentralized platform, users have the right to publish their products - services or DApps on the iBid Blockchain platform.
Individuals who contribute to the iBid ecosystem such as token holders will benefit in proportion to their dedication to the company.
iBid serves as a non-profit model, so contributors to the platform will benefit from the iBid ecosystem development fund for awards.
iBid has a diverse digital asset ecosystem, with various forms of decentralization: decentralized exchanges, decentralized games, DAPPs, wallets, P2P lending, iBid privacy, auction on blockchain, etc.
IBid floor market size
The iBid development team still has a long way to go, which is not an easy one.
However, if iBid can do it, the future market for iBid is huge.
Why? Looking at Ethereum today, there are more than 800 tokens released based on the Ethereum Blockchain.
And this is a very young industry, it's all just the beginning.
The future value of the iBid floor
Users on the iBid platform are not charged any fees.
Full ownership of private databases in the iBid ecosystem.
Profit sharing model of the company.
Providing quality services and products is not for profit
* TRANSPARENCY: iBid allows all auction parties to oversee the auction process. With this justice is guaranteed and no member can be deceived.
* PAYMENT GUARANTEED: Due to iBid's "pay to play" operating model, buyers must purchase a bid package before they can take part in the auction. This helps ensure fast payments and in turn deliveries are made.
* NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED: The iBid website is easy to use. Being able to enter one of the iBid auctions does not require any level of experience or professionalism as it is so simple. All you have to do is complete the registration, purchase a bid package, and you will get access to an amazing collection of auctions.
* SECURITY: Blockchain is a vital part of the underlying trust mechanism in the iBid ecosystem. There are many participants in the ecosystem and in order to transact with each other in a trusted manner, iBid combines its projects with blockchain technology for increased trust and maximum security.
* PROFIT SHARING PROGRAM: iBid offers benefits to its members through the Referral program
* CONVENIENCE: Bidders can engage in auctions from anywhere and at any time on Onces you have registered. In addition, iBid creates an auction application for buyers to participate in any auction of their choice from anywhere and at any time with an iOS or Android operating device. The app is user friendly and allows users to explore all available and active auctions without stress.
* LOWER TRANSACTION FEE: The iBid platform has eliminated the need for intermediaries or bookers and therefore no additional fees are required to make transactions.
* SPEED: Ibid joins Blockchain technology which has all the best features of the fourth generation blockchain with faster consensus, including very fast transaction confirmations. This ensures maximum speed in transactions.
Are you an auctioneer or a buyer? Are you looking for a great platform where you can get product auctions? Or are you looking for a platform where you can buy auction products? Then look no further because iBid is here for you.
iBid is a decentralized Blockchain Auction platform meant for both auctioneers and buyers. The iBid project has a well-developed concept, a well thought out and promising project. I hope the ibid project will achieve their goals. N
The role of the iBid Token
Voting is possible with a list of DApps, products and services in the iBid ecosystem. You have the right to decide which projects iBid will fund and reject
Exchange rates in the iBid ecosystem. Creating and maintaining an internal and personal economy is one of the most important tasks of the IBID token.
The iBid token is used as a fee gateway for you to use certain ecosystem functions.
The future of iBid Tokens
Payments for services and goods provided by iBid service providers and distributors.
IBid tokens can allow owners to enrich the user experience in the iBid ecosystem.
Exchange with other parasitic tokens on the Ibid platform
For example, iBid members will have the right to enrich their customer experience by using their token to add attention-grabbing advertisements or other services to the iBid platform.
Token iBid
Ticker: iBid
Token Price: 1iBid = 1USDT
Total supply: 100,000,000
Token Token: Utility
Roadmap iBid
For more information on iBid. Follow iBid on its social media handle:
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